Communications Effectiveness Quiz

Track Your Progress


How many people do marketing or communications for your organization?

(Please count people for whom this is all or only part of their job responsibilities.)


How many of those individuals focus exclusively on marketing or communications?


How important is communications to advancing the mission or goals of your organization?


How would you characterize the level of involvement of senior leadership, including the CEO and/or Executive Director or Board of Directors, in your organization's communications efforts?


Does your organization have an up-to-date strategic plan?


Do you have a documented communications plan in place or do you use communications as the need arises?


How important is each of the following to the successful achievement of your organization's goals?

  Very important Somewhat important Not too important Not at all important
Advertising Very important Somewhat important Not too important Not at all important
Speaking or participating in community events Very important Somewhat important Not too important Not at all important
Participating in conferences and special events Very important Somewhat important Not too important Not at all important
Networking/collaborating with peer organizations Very important Somewhat important Not too important Not at all important
Meeting directly with community, opinion or legislative leaders Very important Somewhat important Not too important Not at all important
Electronic communications (web, e-mail, blogs, e-newsletter) Very important Somewhat important Not too important Not at all important
Publishing reports and position papers Very important Somewhat important Not too important Not at all important
Seeking media coverage Very important Somewhat important Not too important Not at all important
Writing op-eds or letters to the editor Very important Somewhat important Not too important Not at all important
Storytelling Very important Somewhat important Not too important Not at all important
Fundraising Very important Somewhat important Not too important Not at all important

How often does your organization respond to a media crisis or pivotal news coverage of the organization itself or the issues it addresses?


What BARRIERS, if any, do you or your organization face on communications?

(Please mark all that apply)


How often does your organization use outside assistance for communications?


What kinds of methods, if any, does your organization use to assess your communications efforts?

(Please mark all that apply)


How frequently does your organization use each of the following communications or marketing assessment activities?

  Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never
Conduct audience research Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never
Track your organization's or its issues presence in the media Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never
Track the number of publications or other materials you disseminate Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never
Collect feedback from your audiences on the usefulness of your communications Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never
Track traffic or usage on your website or other electronic communications Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never
Track requests that come in for your expertise Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never
Track blogs or social networking activity (Facebook, MySpace, etc.) about your organization Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never
Commission independent evaluations of communications Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never
Track donations Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never

What is your organization's annual budget?


How many people overall are employed by your organization?


In what state is your organization's headquarters located?


Which of the following BEST describes the mission or purpose of your organization?

(Please choose only one response)
