Category Archives: Blog

We Can’t Achieve Social Change Without Good Communications: In Conversation with Judy Belk

Chris Hershey (RCH): Hi Judy, congratulations on your retirement from serving as CEO of The California Wellness Foundation, one of California’s largest philanthropic institutions working on health equity. Are you living the stress-free, happy grandparent life, or did you dive right back in but with a different type of “work”? Judy Belk (JB): Chris! It’s […]

Three Strategies for Improving Audience Engagement

Identify and map your audience(s). If you’ve never gone through a formal audience identification and mapping exercise, now is the time. You don’t need a big budget and an outside research firm to do this activity (though that’s always helpful). Taking the time to thoughtfully analyze your audience groups and their characteristics, along with how they […]

Comms: What Can YOU Do with It?

How do each of your communications goals advance your organization’s broader strategic objectives? If you find one with no direct connection, it may be time to rethink that goal. Can you articulate your message in a simple, easy-to-understand way? Does it convey why your work matters? And do you have examples, including stories, that you […]

What’s Comms Got to Do With It?

INCREASE VISIBILITY Communications can take good ideas and make them concrete, actionable, desirable, and well worth championing or supporting (or both!). Communications is the fuel that accelerates new ways of thinking. “When I started my role as Executive Director, I didn’t prioritize communications because I didn’t think it was that important, especially when you’re juggling […]

5 Keys to Messaging Success

Articulate a Clear Vision. Being ready for a message refresh goes beyond recognizing that the current language is outdated. Your organization also needs to know who you are, why you exist, and where you’re headed. What is the organization’s overarching purpose? What does the future you’re trying to build look like? Often this clarity comes […]

Communications Outlook: Top Trends for Nonprofits and Foundations in 2024

Lead with strategy. Tighter purse strings can mean fewer resources in 2024, and communicators will have to choose what activities to focus on to maximize impact. A strategy-first approach that supports your organization’s broader objectives is a must to ensure the greatest “ROI” on your communications efforts. Leverage your strategy to narrow your priorities, protect […]

Applying Shared Learnings for a Bolder, Brighter Future

“Communications and community building is an interdependent enterprise.” In her keynote address, Co-Founder of Black Voters Matter LaTosha Brown used the power of storytelling to lift up communications as a way to build community. “Relationships are your greatest capital,” she added, and all the more reason to be sure you’re engaging authentically when trying to […]

3 Reasons to Reframe Overhead Costs as Infrastructure Investments

“Overhead” spending remains a sensitive topic for nonprofit organizations and many feel discouraged from asking funders for what they truly need in fear of being rejected or worse, deemed as an organization that is not committed to serving their community. That’s because “overhead” has been associated with unnecessary administrative expenses rather than essential activities: efficient […]

Free Tools and Resources to Help You Do More Good in 2020

  Communications to Amplify Your Impact Looking to brush up on specific communications skills, or help a colleague improve theirs? Cause Communications is committed to making the power of good communications accessible to all. That’s why our digital library of free resources is always stocked with “how-to” videos, interactive quizzes, and practical guides based on […]

The Superpower Within Us All

It’s November, which means many of us are focused on year-end fundraising activities, impact reports, and prepping that mouthwatering recipe for the office holiday party. This season is also an opportunity to slow down and reflect on what we are most grateful for. Here at Cause Communications, we believe gratitude is a superpower that not […]

Creating Positive Narratives Around Complex Issues

In honor of Suicide Prevention Month, we’ve also included some examples connected to this particular topic. 1. Balance transparency with resilience – As communicators, we have a responsibility to accurately portray what’s happening in our communities and not “sugar coat” the truth. Alongside the facts, it’s also important to avoid painting a bleak picture of […]

Ethical Storytelling:
In Conversation with Michael Kass

Chris Hershey (RCH): What drew you to ethical storytelling? How would you define this topic? Michael Kass (MK): Years ago, as I was working with individuals, as well as organizations, to help them reconnect with, shape, and tell their story, I realized there was a kind of meta-narrative emerging. The way these stories were being […]

Using Communications to Elevate Your Next Community Engagement Event

1. Create a strategy-driven event plan – To ensure your event meets your organization’s goals, start with an event plan that details the purpose, goals, expectations, and key audiences. 2. Develop consistent branding – Be sure to think about your event as a unique product that your organization is producing.  As such, you will want this […]

Donor Engagement: Listen. Learn. Deliver.

Although they are often used interchangeably, development and fundraising aren’t the same thing. “Development” is the process of creating and enhancing relationships with donors and potential donors. It creates a connection between a donor and your cause or organization. “Fundraising” only addresses the giving aspect of the process and considers that people may be motivated […]